Discover Your Gifts
People with ADD are often the most driven people on the planet. They are born with amazing abilities, yet are often shunned by parents and educators because they don’t fit into the norms of our worldview. Those with ADD often feel like triangles trying to operate in a world of circles, feeling crushed by the world around them. They are perfect and we want them and the world to experience their perfection.
Because people with ADD are treated differently, they are often ashamed of the way they are. GiftADD wants to change this by recognizing that these individuals have unique gifts to offer the world. We want everyone to recognize and work with these gifts, getting them to come out, making a difference in the lives of those with ADD, their parents, educators, and everyone they have contact with.
Here are just some of the things that we at GiftADD believe will help you leverage your ADD or Dyslexia to become even more successful.
- G.I.F.T Model- Step by step instructions on how you can leverage your ADD or Dyslexia to become successful.
- GiftADD VIPs- Inspirational stories about people who have succeeded by using the gifts that their ADD/ Dyslexia gave them.
- Books and Documentaries- To help you understand and leverage the gifts your ADD/ Dyslexia gives you.
- Kids Zone- An area specifically designed to help kids understand their ADD or Dyslexia and how they can use it to be successful.
- Entrepreneur and Adults- An area specifically designed to help adults use their ADD or Dyslexia to become successful.
- Parents and Teachers- An area specifically designed to help parents and teachers help kids succeed with their ADD or Dyslexia.
- Tips and Tricks- Here you will lots of helpful tips, tricks and strategies to help you become successful with your ADD or Dyslexia.
Kid Zone
Kids with ADD or Dyslexia , you may not think that you have luck on your side because your ADD or Dyslexia. However, you are actually incredibly lucky to have a brain that works in unique and very powerful ways. To be successful, all you have to do is accept that your brain works differently and find some strategies to help you overcome the areas where you are weak and help you use your strengths to the best of the ability.
Here we would like to offer some resources to help you really use the gifts that your ADD or Dyslexia have given you. By using your gifts and using some tips and tricks to overcome the areas where you are weak, you can be successful with anything you do. With resources such as books, documentaries as well as articles, tips and tricks and inspirational stories from our VIPs list to help you become successful in what ever profession you choose.
If you are looking for inspirational success stories, check out our GiftADD VIPs Page for our full collection of success stories.
Check out our G.I.F.T. model page to help you understand, leverage and succeed with your ADD or Dyslexia.
Our goal at GiftADD is to change the perception of ADD and Dyslexia in the world today- from a negative to a positive, sought after trait in the world. If you want to learn more about GiftADD, sign up for our GiftADD newsletter and stay up to date with all of the latest news and success st
Entrepreneurs and Adults
Entrepreneurs are a unique breed but entrepreneurs who have ADD or Dyslexia are more unique than most. With that, many adults with ADD or Dyslexia discover their gifts later in life and are trying to find strategies to help them leverage their strengths and strengthen areas of weakness. ADD or Dyslexia gives you so many gifts that can help you become an incredibly successful entrepreneur or career person, if you let it. In this section, we have resources to help you leverage those gifts, come up with strategies to strengthen your weakness so that you can become a successful entrepreneur that can build and grow your career or business.
Here we would like to offer some resources to help you really leverage the gifts that your ADD or Dyslexia have given you. By leveraging your gifts and using some tips and tricks to overcome your weaknesses as you proceed with your career or grow your own business. With resources such as books, documentaries as well as articles, tips and tricks and inspirational stories from our Masters list to help you and your business become a success.
If you are looking for inspirational success stories, check out our GiftADD VIPs Page for our full collection of success stories.
Check out our G.I.F.T. model page to help you understand, leverage and succeed with your ADD or Dyslexia.
Our goal at GiftADD is to change the perception of ADD and Dyslexia in the world today- from a negative to a positive, sought after trait in the world. If you want to learn more about GiftADD, sign up for our GiftADD newsletter and stay up to date with all of the latest news and success stories
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